Our Mission

Honest, Open, Personal, and Engaged (HOPE) Conversations

The HOPE Speaks Project is a Twin Cities based non-profit organization working to normalize conversations about race and racism in order to foster the racial literacy needed for antiracist communities to thrive.

The HOPE Speaks Project began as an idea by two educators who were struggling to engage their own young children in meaningful conversations about race and racism. They were determined to begin an essential dialogue on the impact of race and racism using a family centered approach. 

The goal was for families to engage with one another in honest, open, personal, and engaged (HOPE) conversations that would build the muscle to sit in discomfort and lead to collective actions that would disrupt the policies and practices that perpetuate systemic racism. 

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Kristen Pehl & Meghan Malone, Co-Founders of the HOPE Speaks Project

Kristen Hara & Meghan Malone, Co-Founders of The Hope Speaks Project

Our Approach

We cannot love if we first do not have understanding ~Thich Nhat Hanh

The HOPE Speaks Project intentionally aims to educate and hold dialogue in ways that promote nonjudgement and awaken a deeper understanding of how race impacts our lived experiences.

To illustrate our approach to these challenging conversations, we chose the lotus flower, a symbol of awakening in many Eastern cultures. The heart in the middle of our lotus flower represents our philosophy of centering compassion and understanding in everything we do.

Peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh wisely said that we cannot love if we first do not have understanding. We would like to invite you into honest, open, personal, and engaged reflection and dialogue that encourages our collective liberation and healing from racism.

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Coaching, Facilitation, Consulting & Professional Development

With the wealth of diversity, equity, and inclusion resources available, sometimes the work can seem overwhelming. Let the HOPE Speaks Project meet you where you are at and help you navigate towards your desired goals. Learn more about our services >


Let us provide critical learning and racial literacy to assist you in your transformational goals. We offer coaching for personal and/or professional growth to help you take your next step.


Want to engage in a meaningful experience within your spheres of influence but don’t know where to begin? Let the skilled facilitators at the HOPE Speaks Project help you get started! 


Let us provide critical learning and racial literacy to assist your organization in your transformational goals. Our skilled facilitators can guide your team, department, or organization through deep meaningful change.

Our Classes

Working together to build antiracist communities

We offer classes for children and their adult caretakers, adults and educators. Classes are now being offered online and in-person through community education. You do not have to be a resident of a particular city to enroll.

Grades K-2

Research shows that explicit conversations with five-seven year olds about interracial friendship can dramatically improve their racial attitudes in as little as a single week. 

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Grades 3-5

Children’s racial views at this age can be permanently cemented unless we make a conscious effort to interrupt the racist messages they are receiving from the world around them.

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Adults & Educators

Fortunately, we have a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips on race, racism, and the lived experiences of BIPOC, but this can also feel overwhelming…

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